Plan miasta Canzano

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How many televisions do you need in your hotel room?

Oregon State coach Pat Casey watched the Rice and North Carolina College World Series semifinal in his hotel room.... with not one, but two television sets going. Casey also has video equipment hooked up, and watched film of Oregon ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Canzano blog: Emptying my notebook... smack into a LaMarcus ...

Great job Canzano, finally someone from the Oregonian did some real journalism and got a medical experts opinion about Roy's knee. This is the medical expert opinion everyone wanted to read and is sensational news that confirms Blazers ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Canzano: What new Trail Blazer Wes Matthews could learn from ...

Matthews spent Wednesday being introduced, conducting media interviews, shaking hands, posing for photographs, taking a physical and ultimately found himself at 5 p.m. looking at the bed in his hotel room, thinking that it looked pretty ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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